Support Section for Inclusion


 The Support Section for Inclusion seeks to ensure that all members of Kyushu University respect the rights of people with disabilities, as well as striving to eliminate any barriers (social barriers) that infringe those rights and promoting efforts to put in place a learning environment that enables people with disabilities to demonstrate their individuality and abilities.


1. Construction of a university-wide system for determining the specific details of reasonable accommodation
 To promote university-wide support, we form systems for cooperation with schools, institutes, faculties, and other organizations throughout the university.

2. Ensuring learning opportunities
We provide information about access to information and consideration for communication in classes, securing priority seating in classrooms, ensuring access to classrooms, requests to faculty members for special consideration, and teaching materials and assistive devices.

3. Networks of internal and external partnerships
We promote partnerships with high schools and provide information to university applicants with disabilities through university fairs and open-days. We promote partnerships with specialist organizations in fields including medicine, welfare, education, and industry. In addition, we work in partnership with relevant departments within the university.

4. Development of barrier-free facilities
 We work in partnership with relevant departments to create maps of barrier-free facilities and further improve university facilities.

5. Personal support
 We provide personal support to facilitate reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities and also arrange group work.

6. Human resource development in a society based on global coexistence
 To nurture student peer supporters, we implement the Program to Cultivate Accessibility Leaders (including company internships).

Accessibility Leaders Promotion(ALP)
We implement the Accessibility Leaders Promotion (ALP), which nurtures individuals who can lead the way forward into a more people-friendly society in the future.

Applying to participate in the Accessibility Leaders Promotion (PDF: Japanese)
Cultivation of Kyushu University student peer supporters: Academic program for cultivating Accessibility Leaders (PDF: Japanese)
Accessibility Leaders Development Council (external link)

FY2018 Subjects
General subjects:
Basic Accessibility
Introduction to Disability Services
Introduction to Accessibility
Introduction to Accessibility support
Universal Design
Management of Accessibility

7. Awareness activities and Awareness surveys
We deepen understanding of and interest in the creation of barrier-free environments through courses and workshops.  We conduct awareness surveys concerning the removal of barriers, including the Barrier Removal Awareness Survey and the University-Wide Assistive Device Awareness Survey, to ascertain awareness among members of Kyushu University. We then make use of this information in future support systems.

Support Section for Inclusion
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan
Room 1104, Center Zone 1 building(1F);
Tel: 092-802-5859/092-802-5858



Mari Tanaka (professor: clinical psychology, study of developmental disabilities/clinical psychologist)
Susumu Yokota (associate professor: study of developmental disabilities, cognitive neuroscience/researcher qualification for ADI-R, ADOS-2 clinical qualification)
Takeshi Shimonakamura (assistant professor: deaf education)
Kanako Kishikawa (assistant professor: clinical psychology/clinical psychologist, special educational needs specialist)
Satoshi Hano (research associate professor: public space design, barrier-free design)
Akiko Tajima (technical support staff: clinical psychology/clinical psychologist, certified social worker)
Kenjiro Ohshima (technical support staff: clinical psychology/clinical psychologist)
Tomoyuki Nagai (technical support staff: clinical psychology/clinical psychologist)
Manaka Tokieda (technical support staff: clinical psychology)

Vision for the Future

 Formulating Kyushu University's Basic Policy on Support for Students people with Disabilities

1. Building support systems
・University-wide support systems
・Support systems in each school, institute, and faculty
・Systems for determining reasonable consideration

2. Forming inter-university networks

3. Facilitating links between high schools and the university
・Forming networks for sharing information in order to support the advancement of school pupils to higher education

4. Cultivating Accessibility Leaders as student peer supporters

5. Employment support
・Providing employment support in partnership with external support organizations

6. Securing the stable sources of funding required to ensure learning opportunities

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